At my interview for the NOAH Directorship in November 2009, I was asked what I believed would be my biggest challenge in the role. “HR” was my immediate response, having no experience of managing an organisation of people, nor of the various Labour Laws. The Board assured me of the necessary support and Rob Rankin was referred as a service provider.
What a referral that was, and the start of a very valuable relationship. Rob has a way of sharing the pragmatic aspects of Labour Law requirements and I quickly began to understand the environment. With this understanding, and Rob’s continual guidance, I felt empowered to make good, kind, boundaried decisions regarding our staff complement and in the best interests on NOAH.
Rob also played a very important accompanying role during a particularly thorny time of retrenchments and all that the process entails.
Despite the loneliness of the top job, I felt constantly supported with all matters relating to HR. Latterly, I had the privilege of working with Stewart who I found to be responsive, kind and decisive.
I strongly recommend HR advice for guidance and support in understanding the labour landscape and ensuring that your policies and processes are compliant and fair.